NHS 24 News

30 Jan 2024

Breathing Space: 20th anniversary toolkit

Breathing Space: 20th anniversary toolkit: Breathing Space - 20th anniversary - social asset 1 - 16-9

February 1st (Breathing Space Day) marks a significant moment for mental health support in Scotland, as the free, confidential telephone service - Breathing Space, celebrates its 20th anniversary.

Launched in 2004 and delivered by NHS 24, Breathing Space has grown to become a vital lifeline for countless individuals across the country. Available for everyone aged 16 and over living in Scotland, Breathing Space offers a listening ear, practical advice, and essential support during times of emotional distress.

To celebrate Breathing Space's important milestone, NHS 24 would appreciate your support in sharing the campaign key messages and resources to relevant audiences throughout 2024. The 'Breathing Space - 20th anniversary toolkit'  and other publicity resources contain helpful information and are available to download at the bottom of this email.

Feel free to share this resource with other colleagues, teams and partners who may find it useful. Should you require any help, or wish to request assets in other formats please get in touch NHS 24's Communications Team.

Contact Information

Gillian Morrison
Communications Manager - External
NHS 24


Breathing Space

About us

Breathing Space is a free and confidential phone and web chat service for anyone in Scotland aged 16 and over experiencing low mood, depression, or anxiety. Delivered by NHS 24, the service is available in the evenings (6pm to 2am weekdays) and 24 hours at the weekend (Fri 6pm to Mon 6am) on 0800 83 85 87. The web chat service can be accessed from breathingspace.scot

111 Mental Health Hub

For those experiencing mental distress the 111 Mental Health Hub is available 24 hours a day, 7 days of the week by calling 111 and following the telephone prompts. Anyone may call. There is no upper or lower age limit.

National mental wellbeing support line for the health and social care workforce

A compassionate listening service – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, on 0800 111 4191. Operated by NHS 24.


All our telephone services use the interpretation service, Language Line, to support callers who cannot, or prefer not to, speak English. Language Line is private, confidential and free to use.

Relay UK - You can also contact our helplines using the Relay UK app.
